Class Action Filed Against Purell for False Promises of Killing Germs
In February a class action was filed alleging that Purell hand sanitizer falsely kills 99.9% of germs including Ebola, MSRA, and the flu...

Consumers Represented by Andersen Sleater Sianni Beat Hair Care Company's Motion to Dismiss Clas
Andersen Sleater Sianni and its partner Jessica Sleater are part of the leadership team representing consumers, who purchased hair care...

Retailers Pull Dairy Products After Undercover Investigation Exposes Inhumane Treatment of Animals
The Animal Recovery Mission conducted an undercover investigation of the largest dairy farm in the country at Fair Oaks Farm in Indiana...

Advertising Group Investigates New Chocolate Drink
Truth In Advertising investigated a new drink called Crio Bru that claims to both keep you focused, awake and relax you to fall asleep....

Report Profiles Heavy Metals in Pet Foods
DC reporter investigated the high levels of heavy metals and toxins in pet foods compared to human food and found that although the...

Andersen Sleater Sianni Represents Consumers Harmed by Hair Products
Consumers have filed class actions against Monat Global, a hair product company, that has caused some users of their products to lose...

Wine Product May Falsely Advertise That It Prevents Hangovers
Ullo touts its wine purifier product that claims it prevents hangovers by removing sulfites from wine. However in the fine print of its...

FTC Orders "Hats Off" to Company Accused of Falsely Touting "Made in USA"
The FTC brought a case against a Bollman Hat Company for falsely stating that its hats and other products were “Made in USA” and...

Class Action Alleges that Walmart Has "Egg" On Its Face
Plaintiff in a class action alleges that Walmart's private label "Organic Marketplace" eggs falsely advertise that their hens are free to...

LuLaRoe Hit with RICO Class Action
A class action has been filed against clothing company, LuLaRoe, by distributors of its products, who claim they were forced to buy...